now todays news
well so a friend of mine asked me how ca someone block/jam a cell(mobile in this case) network....
so many ways....
1. Broadcast Noise
2. Fake a network signal hence intercept and interrupt network
3. Kill Transmission
1. now this is simple... broadcast noise on the same frequency as the mobile network just a little louder than the phones can listen and ...baaam out
2. now i did illustrate all this earlier when i put this post up about creating a fake BTS.....
now people think this is very trivial, surprising thing... it kinda isnt, now here is my cell jammer budget
USRP N210/200 plus a laptop and a very good antennae .... cost 6000 or so USD or in Kenya Shillings about 500,000 KSH....
or since we dont want all that expense.... here we go, 600 USD or in Kenya shillings a laptop and a 2000 KSH phone yes the motorola c118 comes in handy here....
3.Kill transmission ... this is what was said to happen ..i.e the BTS (tower/booster) was disconnected from the power source.
now to expound on no.2
here we go:
since i explained how to make a BTS from cheap materials (a laptop and a 2000ksh (~20USD) phone)
we have the requirements to run the fake network... and with that let phones connect to our Network and they cant access the original network... so what distance can we cove .. from 50m to 6km
and how many BTSs ca we interrupt? well one at a time .... a full LAC is 6 BTSs, so is it possible, VERY possible.
Prevention ... as Chris Paget said "You can absolutely do nothing when someone Jams a cellphone using noise... absolutely nothing"