Good year? new girl, same car :) New Partnership, shaved dreads, yes shaved em.... cut some friends and exes, built an empire (ok working on it) hacked a bank (no ... not done that) , hacked a GSM tower (via) stole GSM credentials (of course am not admitting lol)
now since we have an update of my life can i state i totally dig my Chromebook (CR-48) Mario Pony...?
- after all, it is really light (around 3lb)
- battery life 8 hours (yes that long... i actually don't carry my charger to work (thats how much of a bad ass i become))
- its got an inbuilt CDMA/GSM (if you know what to do to change in between those two)
- GPS (ok it uses the WWAN modem card)
- the processor leaves more to the wanting performance as it is still a netbook
- the SSD does save tonnes in performance though
- and yes >>> YOU CAN JAILBREAK it ... add tonnes of things and baaaam (Kay knows i say this too much)
- barely heats up, did i mention its like light >
Now for the next topic> turning my CR-48 to a development/Security oriented machine (ok too bad i wont be doing Reverse Eng on it waaaait or can we?
- Jailbreaking/Rooting
- Mounting as Writable
- Force Update
- Securing it
- Installing Ubuntu/Debian/Kali/ blah blah blah any Linux on it
- Installing Linux tools
- Installing a local development server
- Installing Security Tools (esp if you did not install Kali linux)
Owww Dedication to my best friend (oww yes hackers do have lives yo) /Masha and an annoying mate /Kay and IDD SALIM GITHINJI - RIP